JC in the News
You can access the latest roundup of JC members in the news, appearing in outlets such as The Washington Post, The New Yorker, The Atlantic, NBC News, and The New York Times.
- Baskin-Sommers 3
- Bell 10
- Betts 15
- Bozic 1
- Camacho 11
- Canales 1
- Doherty 3
- Forman Jr 21
- Goff 38
- Gohara 7
- Gripp 1
- Hinton 24
- Jackson 1
- Justice 1
- Justice Collaboratory 1
- Katsaros 3
- Kohler-Hausmann 6
- Meares 39
- Nobo 4
- Orihuela 1
- Papachristos 10
- Peyton 1
- Richeson 8
- Sierra-Arévalo 3
- Stanley 6
- Thomas 1
- Tyler 15
- Venkatesh 5
- Wang 7
- Weaver 8
- Yaffe 2

Unearthing the Roots of Black Rebellion
The New York Times | The Times profiles JC member Prof. Elizabeth Hinton about her new book America On Fire.
The Case For Moving Beyond Probation, And How To Do It
The Appeal | Fiona Doherty published a piece in The Appeal to discuss alternatives to the current probation system in the U.S.
When are police aggressive — and when are they respectful — toward Black Lives Matter protesters?
The Washington Post | This article references Vesla Weaver's 2017 study that used the term "race-class subjugated" to describe economically disadvantaged communities of color.
9 ideas to solve the broken institution of policing
VOX | This article uses research from Phillip Atiba Goff to illustrate that Black Americans are twice as likely as white Americans to be shot by police relative to their share of the population.
Column: A good first step toward racial justice: Don’t let police stop motorists for minor offenses
The LA Times | This column references an op-ed form James Forman Jr. that advocates for alternatives to police-led traffic stops.
Will The Conviction Of Derek Chauvin Affect Future Police Prosecutions?
NPR | Tracey Meares speaks about how the Derek Chauvin trial may reflect the changing nature of police prosecution.
How broken policing is breaking our democracy
VOX | This article references Vesla Weaver's 2014 book Arresting Citizenship that examines the consequences of the carceral state for American democracy.
The social networks ‘designed to tear us apart’ – podcasts of the week
The Guardian | This article highlights Sudhir Venkatesh's new podcast series, Sudhir Breaks the Internet.
How The Adultification Bias Contributes To Black Trauma
Forbes | JC member Prof. Phil Goff speaks with Forbes about the adultification bias Black children face.
Justice may have been served in the legal sense, but true justice would be George Floyd still being alive
CNN | This CNN article included a quote from Phillip Atiba Goff who stated that the country should work to create systems worthy of public trust in order to truly achieve justice.
The “Guilty, Guilty, Guilty” Edition
Slate | Million Book Project Founder & Director Dwayne Betts talks to Slate’s Political Gabfest about the Derek Chauvin verdict.
What Happened to the Promise to 'Defund' America's Police Forces - and to Stop Them Killing Black People?
The Independent (UK) | Walton Hale Hamilton Professor of Law and Founding Director of The Justice Collaboratory Tracey Meares is quoted in an article in The Independent (UK) about police reform.
21 Experts on What the Verdict Means — and Where to Go From Here
Politico | Monica Bell quoted in a POLITICO article following the Derek Chauvin verdict.
A Minneapolis Jury Has Found Derek Chauvin Guilty of Killing George Floyd
Vogue | This article quoted Gideon Yaffe, who predicted before the Derek Chauvin conviction that he would be guilty of the most serious of the three offenses if the jury thinks that Chavin illegally assaulted George Floyd.
The Chauvin verdict had cities nationwide braced for unrest. Instead, they got a celebration.
The Washington Post | This article quoted Phillip Atiba Goff, who stated that holding one murderer accountable does not deliver justice for George Floyd and other victims of state-sponsored violence.
To Protect the Next George Floyd, We Must Remove the Threat of Police Violence from Everyday Life
TIME | Phillip Atiba Goff publishes op-ed calling for actual police reform in the wake of Derek Chauvin's conviction.
Compliance Will Not Save Me
The Atlantic | This article briefly mentioned Elizabeth Hinton's new book, America on Fire, and how it examines the endless cycle of police violence and Black rebellion.
There was no racial reckoning
CNN | This article quotes Jennifer Richeson’s September op-ed that described the recent social justice movements as an “awakening that is rare in our history.”