JC in the News
You can access the latest roundup of JC members in the news, appearing in outlets such as The Washington Post, The New Yorker, The Atlantic, NBC News, and The New York Times.
- Baskin-Sommers 3
- Bell 10
- Betts 15
- Bozic 1
- Camacho 11
- Canales 1
- Doherty 3
- Forman Jr 21
- Goff 38
- Gohara 7
- Gripp 1
- Hinton 24
- Jackson 1
- Justice 1
- Justice Collaboratory 1
- Katsaros 3
- Kohler-Hausmann 6
- Meares 39
- Nobo 4
- Orihuela 1
- Papachristos 10
- Peyton 1
- Richeson 8
- Sierra-Arévalo 3
- Stanley 6
- Thomas 1
- Tyler 15
- Venkatesh 5
- Wang 7
- Weaver 8
- Yaffe 2

President Biden Announces Members of President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
The White House | President Biden announced Jennifer Richeson as a member of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.
Numbers, not narratives, remedy misperceptions of the racial wealth gap
The Financial | Jennifer Richeson's latest co-authored study show that the use of data is more effective than personal stories in helping people understand the magnitude and structural causes of the Black-white wealth gap in the United States.
This Is How The White Population Is Actually Changing Based On New Census Data
NPR | Jennifer Richeson is quotes in a story on the complexity of new census data results.
There was no racial reckoning
CNN | This article quotes Jennifer Richeson’s September op-ed that described the recent social justice movements as an “awakening that is rare in our history.”
The Fear That Is Shaping American Politics
The New York Times | Jennifer Richeson's research on the influence of neighborhood racial diversity on white Americans' perceptions of racial discrimination is used in an article about the changing demographics of the nation's public schools.
White Riot
The New York Times | JC member Professor Jennifer Richeson contributed to an opinion piece that there is compelling evidence to suggest the some of what we have witnessed this past week is a reflection of the angst, anger, and refusal to accept an “America”’ in which White (Christian) Americans are losing dominance, be it political, material, or cultural.
Storming The U.S. Capitol Was About Maintaining White Power In America
FiveThirtyEight | This article quoted Jennifer Richeson's research on how reminding white Americans of changing racial demographics causes them to adopt more negative racial attitudes toward minority groups.
Americans are Determined to Believe in Black Progress - A Commentary by Jennifer Richeson
The Atlantic | Jennifer A. Richeson is Philip R. Allen Professor of Psychology at Yale University and a member of the Justice Collaboratory at Yale Law School.