Technology Resources
The Procedural Justice Framework for Tech Professionals
A practical guide for building and maintaining healthy online environments
Promoting Online Civility Through Platform Architecture
Can the design architecture of a social media platform encourage more civil conversations among users?
Procedural Justice and Self Governance on Twitter
Unpacking the experience of rule breaking on Twitter
Community Vitality as a Theory of Governance for Online Interaction
Presented by the Yale Journal of Law & Technology and The Justice Collaboratory at Yale Law School
Reimagining Social Governance: Harm, Accountability, and Repair
Presented by the Yale Journal of Law & Technology and The Justice Collaboratory at Yale Law School
Highlights from Online Reputation Systems and the Thinning of Trust
Presented by the Yale Journal of Law & Technology and The Justice Collaboratory at Yale Law School
Informational Quality Labeling on Social Media: In Defense of a Social Epistemology Strategy
Informational Quality Labeling on Social Media: In Defense of a Social Epistemology Strategy
Internet Governance and Human Rights in a Minor Key: An Anthropological Perspective on Online Reputation Systems and the Thinning of Trust
Presented by the Yale Journal of Law & Technology and The Justice Collaboratory at Yale Law School