JC in the News
You can access the latest roundup of JC members in the news, appearing in outlets such as The Washington Post, The New Yorker, The Atlantic, NBC News, and The New York Times.
- Baskin-Sommers 3
- Bell 10
- Betts 15
- Bozic 1
- Camacho 11
- Canales 1
- Doherty 3
- Forman Jr 21
- Goff 38
- Gohara 7
- Gripp 1
- Hinton 24
- Jackson 1
- Justice 1
- Justice Collaboratory 1
- Katsaros 3
- Kohler-Hausmann 6
- Meares 39
- Nobo 4
- Orihuela 1
- Papachristos 10
- Peyton 1
- Richeson 8
- Sierra-Arévalo 3
- Stanley 6
- Thomas 1
- Tyler 15
- Venkatesh 5
- Wang 7
- Weaver 8
- Yaffe 2
The Criminal System is Full of People With Psychopathy. It Fails to Help Them
The Appeal | Jorge Camacho and Arielle Baskin-Sommers explain how they've seen the criminal legal system treat psychopathy as a moral failing—instead of a treatable mental illness.
Trying adolescents as adults, even for murder, is wrong
NY Daily | Arielle Baskin-Sommmers writes about her research supporting ending adult waivers.
There Are No 'Child Pyscopaths' Because We Can't Diagnose Them. Yet.
Vice | Arielle Baskin-Sommers comments on a new wave in psychology suggesting that people with psychopathy could be helped much earlier, if only we acknowledged the scope of their issues.