JC in the News
You can access the latest roundup of JC members in the news, appearing in outlets such as The Washington Post, The New Yorker, The Atlantic, NBC News, and The New York Times.
- Baskin-Sommers 3
- Bell 10
- Betts 15
- Bozic 1
- Camacho 11
- Canales 1
- Doherty 3
- Forman Jr 21
- Goff 38
- Gohara 7
- Gripp 1
- Hinton 24
- Jackson 1
- Justice 1
- Justice Collaboratory 1
- Katsaros 3
- Kohler-Hausmann 6
- Meares 39
- Nobo 4
- Orihuela 1
- Papachristos 10
- Peyton 1
- Richeson 8
- Sierra-Arévalo 3
- Stanley 6
- Thomas 1
- Tyler 15
- Venkatesh 5
- Wang 7
- Weaver 8
- Yaffe 2

Opinion: Get police out of the business of traffic stops
The Washington Post | James Forman Jr. penned an op-ed about alternatives to police being in charge of traffic stops.
We’re making progress on the ‘what’ of reimagining safety. But what about the ‘how’?
The Washington Post | This op-ed from Phillip Atiba Goff examined how to make real, tangible progress toward reimagining public safety.
"Let me see that waistband"
The Appeal | In an article discussing how the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department's Gun Recovery Unit has deployed illegitimate tactics against the communities they serve, James Forman Jr.'s Locking Up Our Own was cited as reference.
The Fear That Is Shaping American Politics
The New York Times | Jennifer Richeson's research on the influence of neighborhood racial diversity on white Americans' perceptions of racial discrimination is used in an article about the changing demographics of the nation's public schools.
Five myths about guns
The Washington Post | James Forman Jr.'s book Locking Up Our Own was quoted in an article discussing myths about guns.
A New Public Defender Program Has 'Professionalized' Connecticut's Parole Process, Exciting Both Advocates and Prison Officials
Hartford Courant | Clinical Professor of Law Fiona Doherty ’99 is quoted in a Hartford Courant article about a new Connecticut program that offers public defender services to people accused of violating parole.
How the Violence Against Women Act Failed Women
The Nation | This article briefly quoted Elizabeth Hinton to argue that the seeds of mass incarceration were planted well before the 1994 Crime Bill, against the backdrop of the 1960s.
Phillip Atiba Goff Signs Deal With Warner Bros. TV Group For Content Promoting Equity, Inclusion & Social Justice
Deadline | Phillip Atiba Goff signed a deal with Warner Bros TV Group to promote equity, inclusion and social justice.
We were warned about a divided America 50 years ago. We ignored the signs - a Commentary by Elizabeth Hinton
The Washington Post | Elizabeth Hinton is a Professor of Law and a member of the Justice Collaboratory at Yale Law School, as well as an Associate Professor of History & African American Studies at Yale.
911 And Racism: When The Emergency Response Fuels The Emergency
Forbes | This article quoted research from Phillip Atiba Goff that showed communities are safest when they have the resources they need to prevent the crises that produce calls to 911.
The Case for Prioritizing COVID-19 Vaccines in Prisons and Jails
The Appeal | In this op-ed, Emily Wang makes the case that we must prioritize vaccinating incarcerated people and correctional officers.
The Unsettling Message of Judas and the Black Messiah
In this op-ed, Elizabeth Hinton discusses how the move Judas and the Black Messiah criticizes the FBI’s surveillance of past and present social movements.
‘Conviction Integrity Unit’ Proposed to Investigate and Overturn Wrongful Convictions
Connecticut Examiner | Fiona Doherty was quoted in a piece about a new conviction integrity unit in Connecticut that will investigate and overturn wrongful convictions.
The black box of justice: How secret algorithms have changed policing
Fast Company | This piece included a brief quote from Phillip Atiba Goff to illustrate that algorithms perform based on what humans program them to do.
Movie at the Ellipse: A Study in Fascist Propaganda
Just Security | Jason Stanley writes for Justice Security about the propagandist video shown during the rally for President Trump on January 6, 2021.
After the Capitol Attack, Does Police MAGA Sentiment Cross the Line?
NPR | Walton Hale Hamilton Professor of Law and Founding Director of The Justice Collaboratory Tracey Meares spoke to National Public Radio about Trump-supporting police.
‘Abolition’ isn’t a relic of our past. It’s the key to revitalising democracy
World Economic Forum | Phillip Atiba Goff publishes op-ed about the need for abolition.
Defining Policing is Essential to Reform it - A Commentary Jorge Camacho
The Hill | Jorge X. Camacho is a Clinical Lecturer in Law and the Policing, Law, and Policy Director of the Justice Collaboratory at Yale Law School.