- Andrade 1
- Badiei 5
- Baskin-Sommers 37
- Bell 20
- Blotta 2
- Bradford 36
- Bueno 4
- Canales 5
- Casey 15
- Cox 6
- De Cremer 24
- Doherty 6
- Downey 1
- Durkin 1
- Forman Jr 1
- Goff 11
- Gohara 7
- Granot 10
- Greene 2
- Gripp 3
- Heiphetz 10
- Hinton 9
- Jackson 23
- Justice 7
- Katsaros 9
- Kim 7
- Kohler-Hausmann 5
- Kuhn 1
- Legewie 2
- Mazerolle 18
- Meares 31
- Mentovich 3
- Murphy 9
- Nobo 3
- O'Brien 7
- Oriheula 2
- Papachristos 31
- Parker 1
- Peyton 4
- Prowse 1
- Puglisi 10
- Quattlebaum 2
- Richeson 20
- Schoenebeck 17
- Shedd 2
- Sierra-Arévalo 7
- Silvestre 7
- Stanley 6
- Sylvester 2
- Thomas 6
“A War within Our Own Boundaries”: Lyndon Johnson's Great Society and the Rise of the Carceral State
Journal Article | Hinton, E. (2015). “A War within Our Own Boundaries”: Lyndon Johnson's Great Society and the Rise of the Carceral State. The Journal of American History, 102(1), 100-112.
Journal Article | Hinton, E. (2015). “A War within Our Own Boundaries”: Lyndon Johnson's Great Society and the Rise of the Carceral State. The Journal of American History, 102(1), 100-112. Read article.
A gestão da vida e da segurança pública no Brasil
Journal Article | Lima, R. S. D., Sinhoretto, J., & Bueno, S. (2015). A gestão da vida e da segurança pública no Brasil. Sociedade e Estado, 30, 123-144.
Journal Article | Lima, R. S. D., Sinhoretto, J., & Bueno, S. (2015). A gestão da vida e da segurança pública no Brasil. Sociedade e Estado, 30, 123-144. Read article.
Aggressive Policing and the Mental Health of Young Urban Men
Journal Article | Geller, A., Fagan, J., Tyler, T., & Link, B. G. (2014). Aggressive policing and the mental health of young urban men. American journal of public health, 104(12), 2321-2327.
Journal Article | Geller, A., Fagan, J., Tyler, T., & Link, B. G. (2014). Aggressive policing and the mental health of young urban men. American journal of public health, 104(12), 2321-2327. Read article.
Nonpolitical images evoke neural predictors of political ideology
Journal Article | Ahn, W. Y., Kishida, K. T., Gu, X., Lohrenz, T., Harvey, A., Alford, J. R., ... & Montague, P. R. (2014). Nonpolitical images evoke neural predictors of political ideology. Current Biology, 24(22), 2693-2699.
Journal Article | Ahn, W. Y., Kishida, K. T., Gu, X., Lohrenz, T., Harvey, A., Alford, J. R., ... & Montague, P. R. (2014). Nonpolitical images evoke neural predictors of political ideology. Current Biology, 24(22), 2693-2699. Read article.
On the precipice of a "majority-minority" nation
Journal Article | Craig, M. A., & Richeson, J. A. (2014). On the precipice of a “majority-minority” America: Perceived status threat from the racial demographic shift affects White Americans’ political ideology. Psychological science, 25(6), 1189-1197.
Journal Article | Craig, M. A., & Richeson, J. A. (2014). On the precipice of a “majority-minority” America: Perceived status threat from the racial demographic shift affects White Americans’ political ideology. Psychological science, 25(6), 1189-1197. Read article.
Blinding trust: The effect of perceived group victimization on intergroup trust
Journal Article | Rotella, K. N., Richeson, J. A., Chiao, J. Y., & Bean, M. G. (2013). Blinding trust: The effect of perceived group victimhood on intergroup trust. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39(1), 115-127.
Journal Article | Rotella, K. N., Richeson, J. A., Chiao, J. Y., & Bean, M. G. (2013). Blinding trust: The effect of perceived group victimhood on intergroup trust. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39(1), 115-127. Read article.
Subjective value determines initial dominance in binocular rivalry
Journal Article | Balcetis, E., Dunning, D., & Granot, Y. (2012). Subjective value determines initial dominance in binocular rivalry. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48(1), 122-129.
Journal Article | Balcetis, E., Dunning, D., & Granot, Y. (2012). Subjective value determines initial dominance in binocular rivalry. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48(1), 122-129. Read article.
Frontlash: Race and the Development of Punitive Crime Policy
Journal Article | Weaver, V. M. (2007). Frontlash: Race and the development of punitive crime policy. Studies in American political development, 21(2), 230-265.
Journal Article | Weaver, V. M. (2007). Frontlash: Race and the development of punitive crime policy. Studies in American political development, 21(2), 230-265. Read article.
The Braiding Cases, Cultural Deference, and the Inadequate Protection of Black Women Consumers
Journal Article | Bell, M. C. (2007). The braiding cases, cultural deference, and the inadequate protection of black women consumers. Yale JL & Feminism, 19, 125.
Journal Article | Bell, M. C. (2007). The braiding cases, cultural deference, and the inadequate protection of black women consumers. Yale JL & Feminism, 19, 125. Read article.
Sounding the Echoes of Racial Injustice Beyond the Death Chamber: Strategies for Moving Past McCleskey
Journal Article | Gohara, M. (2007). Sounding the Echoes of Racial Injustice Beyond the Death Chamber: Strategies for Moving Past McCleskey.
Journal Article | Gohara, M. (2007). Sounding the Echoes of Racial Injustice Beyond the Death Chamber: Strategies for Moving Past McCleskey. Read article.