- Andrade 1
- Badiei 5
- Baskin-Sommers 35
- Bell 20
- Blotta 2
- Bradford 29
- Bueno 4
- Canales 4
- Casey 13
- Cox 6
- De Cremer 24
- Doherty 6
- Downey 1
- Durkin 1
- Forman Jr 1
- Goff 11
- Gohara 7
- Granot 10
- Greene 2
- Gripp 3
- Heiphetz 10
- Hinton 9
- Jackson 22
- Justice 7
- Katsaros 8
- Kim 7
- Kohler-Hausmann 5
- Kuhn 1
- Legewie 2
- Mazerolle 18
- Meares 31
- Mentovich 3
- Murphy 7
- Nobo 2
- O'Brien 7
- Oriheula 2
- Papachristos 31
- Peyton 4
- Prowse 1
- Puglisi 10
- Quattlebaum 2
- Richeson 20
- Schoenebeck 16
- Shedd 2
- Sierra-Arévalo 7
- Silvestre 7
- Stanley 6
- Sylvester 2
- Thomas 6
- Trinkner 11
Online Content Moderation: Does Justice Need a Human Face?
Journal Article | Katsaros, M., Kim, J. & Tyler, T.R. (2023).Online Content Moderation: Does Justice Need a Human Face?, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2023.2210879
Journal Article | Katsaros, M., Kim, J. & Tyler, T.R. (2023).Online Content Moderation: Does Justice Need a Human Face?, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2023.2210879
Promoting Online Civility Through Platform Architecture
Journal Article | Kim, J., McDonald, C., Meosky, P., Katsaros, M., & Tyler, T. (2022, September 20). Promoting Online Civility Through Platform Architecture. Journal of Online Trust and Safety, 1(4).
Journal Article | Kim, J., McDonald, C., Meosky, P., Katsaros, M., & Tyler, T. (2022, September 20). Promoting Online Civility Through Platform Architecture. Journal of Online Trust and Safety, 1(4).
Relationship between Citizen-Eyewitness Images and Audience Engagement with News
Journal Article | Kim, J., Huh, J., Rath, B., Salecha, A., & Srivastava, J. (2021). Relationship between Citizen-Eyewitness Images and Audience Engagement with News. Journalism Practice, 1-21.
Journal Article | Kim, J., Huh, J., Rath, B., Salecha, A., & Srivastava, J. (2021). Relationship between Citizen-Eyewitness Images and Audience Engagement with News. Journalism Practice, 1-21.
A cross-national comparison of transparency signaling in corporate social responsibility reporting: The United States, South Korea, and China cases
Journal Article | Rim, H., Kim, J., & Dong, C. (2019). A cross‐national comparison of transparency signaling in corporate social responsibility reporting: The United States, South Korea, and China cases. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26(6), 1517-1529.
Journal Article | Rim, H., Kim, J., & Dong, C. (2019). A cross‐national comparison of transparency signaling in corporate social responsibility reporting: The United States, South Korea, and China cases. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26(6), 1517-1529. Read article.
Impact of news organizations' trustworthiness and social media activity on audience engagement
Journal Article | Rath, B., Kim, J., Huh, J., & Srivastava, J. (2018). Impact of news organizations' trustworthiness and social media activity on audience engagement. arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.09561.
Journal Article | Rath, B., Kim, J., Huh, J., & Srivastava, J. (2018). Impact of news organizations' trustworthiness and social media activity on audience engagement. arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.09561. Read article.
One name can change many things: Influences of mentioning political candidates on network agenda-setting effects in the 2016 U.S. election
Journal Article | Kim, J. (2018). One name can change many things: Influences of mentioning political candidates on network agenda-setting effects in the 2016 US election. The Agenda Setting Journal, 2(1), 41-63.
Journal Article | Kim, J. (2018). One name can change many things: Influences of mentioning political candidates on network agenda-setting effects in the 2016 US election. The Agenda Setting Journal, 2(1), 41-63. Read article.
The Imagined Audience for and Perceived Quality of News Comments: Exploring the Perceptions of Commenters on News Sites and on Facebook
Journal Article | Kim, J., Lewis, S. C., & Watson, B. R. (2018). The imagined audience for and perceived quality of news comments: Exploring the perceptions of commenters on news sites and on Facebook. Social Media+ Society, 4(1), 2056305118765741.
Journal Article | Kim, J., Lewis, S. C., & Watson, B. R. (2018). The imagined audience for and perceived quality of news comments: Exploring the perceptions of commenters on news sites and on Facebook. Social Media+ Society, 4(1), 2056305118765741. Read article.