- Andrade 1
- Badiei 5
- Baskin-Sommers 37
- Bell 20
- Blotta 2
- Bradford 36
- Bueno 4
- Canales 5
- Casey 15
- Cox 6
- De Cremer 24
- Doherty 6
- Downey 1
- Durkin 1
- Forman Jr 1
- Goff 11
- Gohara 7
- Granot 10
- Greene 2
- Gripp 3
- Heiphetz 10
- Hinton 9
- Jackson 23
- Justice 7
- Katsaros 8
- Kim 7
- Kohler-Hausmann 5
- Kuhn 1
- Legewie 2
- Mazerolle 18
- Meares 31
- Mentovich 3
- Murphy 9
- Nobo 2
- O'Brien 7
- Oriheula 2
- Papachristos 31
- Parker 1
- Peyton 4
- Prowse 1
- Puglisi 10
- Quattlebaum 2
- Richeson 20
- Schoenebeck 17
- Shedd 2
- Sierra-Arévalo 7
- Silvestre 7
- Stanley 6
- Sylvester 2
- Thomas 6
Adolescent cognition and procedural justice: Broadening the impact of research findings on policy and practice
Journal Article | Granot, Y., & Tyler, T. R. (2019). Adolescent cognition and procedural justice: Broadening the impact of research findings on policy and practice. Social and personality psychology compass, 13(10), e12503.
Journal Article | Granot, Y., & Tyler, T. R. (2019). Adolescent cognition and procedural justice: Broadening the impact of research findings on policy and practice. Social and personality psychology compass, 13(10), e12503. Read article.
The Force of Fear: Police Stereotype Threat, Self-Legitimacy, and Support for Excessive Force
Journal Article | Trinkner, R., Kerrison, E. M., & Goff, P. A. (2019). The force of fear: Police stereotype threat, self-legitimacy, and support for excessive force. Law and human behavior, 43(5), 421.
Journal Article | Trinkner, R., Kerrison, E. M., & Goff, P. A. (2019). The force of fear: Police stereotype threat, self-legitimacy, and support for excessive force. Law and human behavior, 43(5), 421. Read article.
A field experiment on community policing and police legitimacy
Article | Peyton, K., Sierra-Arévalo, M., & Rand, D. G. (2019). A field experiment on community policing and police legitimacy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(40), 19894-19898.
Article | Peyton, K., Sierra-Arévalo, M., & Rand, D. G. (2019). A field experiment on community policing and police legitimacy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(40), 19894-19898. Read article.
Proactive Policing: A Summary of the Report of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Journal Article | Weisburd, D., Majmundar, M. K., Aden, H., Braga, A., Bueermann, J., Cook, P. J., ... & Tyler, T. (2019). Proactive policing: A summary of the report of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Asian Journal of Criminology, 14(2), 145-177.
Journal Article | Weisburd, D., Majmundar, M. K., Aden, H., Braga, A., Bueermann, J., Cook, P. J., ... & Tyler, T. (2019). Proactive policing: A summary of the report of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Asian Journal of Criminology, 14(2), 145-177. Read article.
Building popular legitimacy with reconciliatory gestures and participation: A community-level model of authority
Journal Article | O'Brien, T. C., Tyler, T. R., & Meares, T. L. (2020). Building popular legitimacy with reconciliatory gestures and participation: A community‐level model of authority. Regulation & Governance, 14(4), 821-839.
Journal Article | O'Brien, T. C., Tyler, T. R., & Meares, T. L. (2020). Building popular legitimacy with reconciliatory gestures and participation: A community‐level model of authority. Regulation & Governance, 14(4), 821-839. Read article.
‘Why’ Matters: Empirical Tests of the Effects of Inchoate Police Stops on Popular Legitimacy
Journal Article | O'Brien, T., Tyler, T., Meares, T. L., & Fagan, J. (2018). 'Why' Matters: Empirical Tests of the Effects of Inchoate Police Stops on Popular Legitimacy. Columbia Public Law Research Paper, (14-605).
Journal Article | O'Brien, T., Tyler, T., Meares, T. L., & Fagan, J. (2018). 'Why' Matters: Empirical Tests of the Effects of Inchoate Police Stops on Popular Legitimacy. Columbia Public Law Research Paper, (14-605). Read article.
Principles of Procedurally Just Policing
Report | Quattlebaum, M., Meares, T. L., & Tyler, T. (2018). Principles of procedurally just policing. Available at SSRN 3179519.
Report | Quattlebaum, M., Meares, T. L., & Tyler, T. (2018). Principles of procedurally just policing. Available at SSRN 3179519. Read report.
Procedural Justice and Policing: A Rush to Judgement?
Journal Article | Tyler, T. (2017). Procedural justice and policing: A rush to judgment?. Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 13, 29-53.
Journal Article | Tyler, T. (2017). Procedural justice and policing: A rush to judgment?. Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 13, 29-53. Read article.
Police Reform and the Dismantling of Legal Estrangement
Law Review | Bell, M. C. (2017). Police reform and the dismantling of legal estrangement. The Yale Law Journal, 2054-2150.
Law Review | Bell, M. C. (2017). Police reform and the dismantling of legal estrangement. The Yale Law Journal, 2054-2150. Read review.
In the eyes of the law: Perception versus reality in appraisals of video evidence
Journal Article | Granot, Y., Balcetis, E., Feigenson, N., & Tyler, T. (2018). In the eyes of the law: Perception versus reality in appraisals of video evidence. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 24(1), 93.
Journal Article | Granot, Y., Balcetis, E., Feigenson, N., & Tyler, T. (2018). In the eyes of the law: Perception versus reality in appraisals of video evidence. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 24(1), 93. Read article.