- Andrade 1
- Badiei 5
- Baskin-Sommers 37
- Bell 20
- Blotta 2
- Bradford 36
- Bueno 4
- Canales 5
- Casey 15
- Cox 6
- De Cremer 24
- Doherty 6
- Downey 1
- Durkin 1
- Forman Jr 1
- Goff 11
- Gohara 7
- Granot 10
- Greene 2
- Gripp 3
- Heiphetz 10
- Hinton 9
- Jackson 23
- Justice 7
- Katsaros 9
- Kim 7
- Kohler-Hausmann 5
- Kuhn 1
- Legewie 2
- Mazerolle 18
- Meares 31
- Mentovich 3
- Murphy 9
- Nobo 3
- O'Brien 7
- Oriheula 2
- Papachristos 31
- Parker 1
- Peyton 4
- Prowse 1
- Puglisi 10
- Quattlebaum 2
- Richeson 20
- Schoenebeck 17
- Shedd 2
- Sierra-Arévalo 7
- Silvestre 7
- Stanley 6
- Sylvester 2
- Thomas 6
Did the murder of George Floyd damage public perceptions of police and law in the United States
Journal Article| Fine, A., Rodrigues Oliveira, T., Jackson, J., Bradford, B., Posch, K., & Trinkner, R. (2024). Did the murder of George Floyd damage public perceptions of police and law in the United States. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency.
Who Can You Trust? The Impact of Procedural Justice, Trust, and Police Officer Sex on Women's Sexual Assault Victimization Reporting Likelihood
Journal Article | Stanek, K. A., Fox, K. A., Telep, C. W., & Trinkner, R. (2022). Who Can You Trust? The Impact of Procedural Justice, Trust, and Police Officer Sex on Women's Sexual Assault Victimization Reporting Likelihood. Violence Against Women, 10778012221097139.
Journal Article | Stanek, K. A., Fox, K. A., Telep, C. W., & Trinkner, R. (2022). Who Can You Trust? The Impact of Procedural Justice, Trust, and Police Officer Sex on Women's Sexual Assault Victimization Reporting Likelihood. Violence Against Women, 10778012221097139.
The utility and limitations of the concentric diagram of legitimacy: Commentary on Hamm and Colleagues
Commentary | Trinkner, R., & Reisig, M. D. (2022). The utility and limitations of the concentric diagram of legitimacy: Commentary on Hamm and Colleagues. Legal and Criminological Psychology.
Commentary | Trinkner, R., & Reisig, M. D. (2022). The utility and limitations of the concentric diagram of legitimacy: Commentary on Hamm and Colleagues. Legal and Criminological Psychology.
Social Identity and Support for Defunding the Police in the Aftermath of George Floyd’s Murder
Journal Article | Jackson, J., Fine, A., Bradford, B., & Trinkner, R. (2022, May 7). Social Identity and Support for Defunding the Police in the Aftermath of George Floyd’s Murder.
Journal Article | Jackson, J., Fine, A., Bradford, B., & Trinkner, R. (2022, May 7). Social Identity and Support for Defunding the Police in the Aftermath of George Floyd’s Murder.
The effect of prior incarceration on trust and social support: results from two factorial vignette studies
Journal Article | Simonds, R., Reisig, M D., Trinkner, R., & Holtfreter, K. (2021) The effect of prior incarceration on trust and social support: results from two factorial vignette studies, Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1080/10509674.2021.1966154.
Journal Article | Simonds, R., Reisig, M D., Trinkner, R., & Holtfreter, K. (2021) The effect of prior incarceration on trust and social support: results from two factorial vignette studies, Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1080/10509674.2021.1966154. Read article.
Legal Socialization and Individual Belief in the Code of the Streets: A Theoretical Integration and Longitudinal Test
Journal Article | Fine, A., Moule, R., Trinkner, R., Frick, P. J., Steinberg, L., & Cauffman, E. (2021). Legal Socialization and Individual Belief in the Code of the Streets: A Theoretical Integration and Longitudinal Test. Justice Quarterly, 1–22.
Journal Article | Fine, A., Moule, R., Trinkner, R., Frick, P. J., Steinberg, L., & Cauffman, E. (2021). Legal Socialization and Individual Belief in the Code of the Streets: A Theoretical Integration and Longitudinal Test. Justice Quarterly, 1–22. Read article.
Celebrating 50 years of legal socialization
Journal Article | Trinkner, R., & Reisig, M. D. (2021). Celebrating 50 years of legal socialization. Journal of Social Issues. https://doi.org/10.1111/josi.12458
Journal Article | Trinkner, R., & Reisig, M. D. (2021). Celebrating 50 years of legal socialization. Journal of Social Issues. https://doi.org/10.1111/josi.12458
The Threat of Appearing Racist: Stereotype Threat and Support for Coercion Among Australian Police Officers
Journal Article | Mccarthy, M., Trinkner, R., & Atiba Goff, P. (2021). The threat of appearing racist: Stereotype threat and support for coercion among Australian police officers. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 48(6), 776-790.
Journal Article | Mccarthy, M., Trinkner, R., & Atiba Goff, P. (2021). The threat of appearing racist: Stereotype threat and support for coercion among Australian police officers. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 48(6), 776-790. https://doi.org/10.1177/0093854821993513
The Effects of Justice Judgements on Police Legitimacy Across Urban Neighborhoods: A Test of the Invariance Thesis
Journal Article | Reisig, M. D., Flippin, M., Meško, G., & Trinkner, R. (2020). The Effects of Justice Judgments on Police Legitimacy Across Urban Neighborhoods: A Test of the Invariance Thesis. Crime and Delinquency.
Journal Article | Reisig, M. D., Flippin, M., Meško, G., & Trinkner, R. (2020). The Effects of Justice Judgments on Police Legitimacy Across Urban Neighborhoods: A Test of the Invariance Thesis. Crime and Delinquency. https://doi.org/10.1177/0011128720977435
The Black and White Reality: Historical and Post-Ferguson Era Perspectives on Public Attitudes Toward the Police
Article | Cole, L. M., April, K., & Trinkner, R. J. (2020). The Black and White Reality: Historical and Post-Ferguson Era Perspectives on Public Attitudes Toward the Police. In Advances in Psychology and Law (pp. 267-299). Springer, Cham.
Article | Cole, L. M., April, K., & Trinkner, R. J. (2020). The Black and White Reality: Historical and Post-Ferguson Era Perspectives on Public Attitudes Toward the Police. In Advances in Psychology and Law (pp. 267-299). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54678-6_8