JC in the News
You can access the latest roundup of JC members in the news, appearing in outlets such as The Washington Post, The New Yorker, The Atlantic, NBC News, and The New York Times.
- Baskin-Sommers 3
- Bell 10
- Betts 15
- Bozic 1
- Camacho 11
- Canales 1
- Doherty 3
- Forman Jr 21
- Goff 38
- Gohara 7
- Gripp 1
- Hinton 24
- Jackson 1
- Justice 1
- Justice Collaboratory 1
- Katsaros 3
- Kohler-Hausmann 6
- Meares 39
- Nobo 4
- Orihuela 1
- Papachristos 10
- Peyton 1
- Richeson 8
- Sierra-Arévalo 3
- Stanley 6
- Thomas 1
- Tyler 15
- Venkatesh 5
- Wang 7
- Weaver 8
- Yaffe 2

How to Make Policing Less Deadly and Less Racist
PBS | Justice Collaboratory member Professor Phil Goff speaks on Amanpour and Company about his work with law enforcement and communities to help make policing less deadly and less racist.
A Discussion on How to Reform Policing
New York Times | Professors Monica Bell and Phillip Atiba Goff are quoted in a discussion moderated by Emily Bazelon about police reform.
Police, Power, and the Spector of Guns
The Trace | Professors Tracey Meares, Monica Bell, and Michael Sierra-Arévalo are interviewed about the use of firearms by law enforcement.
A history of police funding
Financial Times | Justice Collaboratory member Vesla Weaver speaks with the podcast Behind The Money about the role the federal government, and federal funding, have played in transforming policing in the US.
Less than 2 percent of Minneapolis Police Complaints Resulted in Disciplinary Action, Says Report
The Daily Beast | Professor Phillip Atiba Goff speaks with The Daily Beast about problems associated with current police policies.
Police the Public, or Protect it? For a U.S. in Crisis, Hard Lessons from Other Countries
New York Times | Tom Tyler, Macklin Fleming Professor of Law and Professor of Psychology and Founding Director of The Justice Collaboratory, is quoted in the New York Times about police reform initiatives in other countries.
How the Federal Government Can Reform the Police
The New Yorker | Professor Tracey Meares speaks with The New Yorker and reflects on how much reform can take place at the federal level and what “defunding the police” means in practice.
When it Works to 'Defund the Police'
New York Times | J. Skelly Wright Professor of Law James Forman Jr. is quoted by Nicholas Kristof in his column in the New York Times.
Where the US Protesters and police chiefs agree - A Commentary by Phillip Atiba Goff
Financial Times | Phillip Atiba Goff is Franklin A. Thomas Professorship in Policing Equity, John Jay College and President of the Center for Policing Equity and a member of the Justice Collaboratory at Yale Law School.
Can you train bias out of police departments?
CBS News | Professor Phillip Atiba Goff speaks with CBS News about the need to eradicate the culture of violence that he says is poisoning the nation’s police departments.
After the Killing of George Floyd, Hartford and Other Cities Ponder Defunding the Police
Hartford Courant |Walton Hale Hamilton Professor of Law and Founding Director of The Justice Collaboratory Tracey L. Meares is quoted in the Hartford Courant about the role of police within their communities.
The First Step is Figuring Out What Police Are For - A Commentary by Tracey Meares and Tom Tyler
The Atlantic | Tracey L. Meares is the Walton Hale Hamilton Professor and a Founding Director of the Justice Collaboratory at Yale Law School. Tom R. Tyler is the Macklin Fleming Professor of Law and Professor of Psychology at Yale Law School, as well as a Founding Director of The Justice Collaboratory.
Why are African Americans subject to more police violence?
TRT World | Walton Hale Hamilton Professor of Law and Founding Director of The Justice Collaboratory Tracey L. Meares spoke with TRT World about police accountability.
No Justice, No Peace
WNYC | Elizabeth Hinton, incoming professor of history, law and African-American studies at Yale and member of the Justice Collaboratory at Yale Law School, is interviewed on On the Media on the historical roots of American law enforcement.
Residents Call for Police Reform, Dismantling Systemic Racism in CT
WNPR | Walton Hale Hamilton Professor of Law and Founding Director of The Justice Collaboratory Tracey L. Meares is interviewed on WNPR about protests in Connecticut responding to the police killing of George Floyd.
The Impact of Police Violence on Health
WHYY | Walton Hale Hamilton Professor of Law and Founding Director of The Justice Collaboratory Tracey L. Meares was interviewed on WHYY about how to improve relations between the police and the public.
George Floyd's Death is a Failure of Generations of Leadership - A Commentary by Elizabeth Hinton
Elizabeth Hinton is an incoming professor of history, law and African-American studies at Yale and member of the Justice Collaboratory at Yale Law School.
Police violence: "Officers must be accountable for each other"
EuroNews | Walton Hale Hamilton Professor of Law and Founding Director of The Justice Collaboratory Tracey Meares is quoted in a EuroNews report on issues around police accountability.