Dana Greene

Research Scholar in Law and Membership Director of the Justice Collaboratory at Yale Law School • d.greene@yale.edu

Dana Greene

Dana Greene is a Research Scholar in Law and Membership Director of the Justice Collaboratory at Yale Law School, where she fosters a justice-focused scholarly community and nourishes individual members in conjunction with developing new programs and initiatives in support of their work.

Dana came to the study of criminal justice by way of street activism and is deeply committed to applying her work beyond the academy. She has over twenty years of research, education, organizing, and justice policy experience and has taught in a variety of settings including Bedford Hills Correctional Facility, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and Rikers Island. Dana holds a doctorate in Criminal Justice from The Graduate Center of the City University of New York.

As an Associate Professor in the Criminal Justice Department at New Mexico State University, Greene’s work encompassed a project to study and dismantle disproportionate minority contact (DMC) in the New Mexico juvenile justice system, organizing environmental justice teach-ins in unincorporated townships (colonias) on the U.S.-Mexico border, photo-documenting every adult prison in the state, serving as an expert criminal justice consultant for the mayor and city council of Las Cruces, and helping establish a plant conservation program in the Penitentiary of New Mexico.

Dana is committed to the practice of meditation, yoga, and kindness.

Latest Publications


Miriam Gohara


Yael Granot