A Study of Procedural Justice & Criminal Justice System Legitimacy Ensuring a high quality of justice for all and increasing New Yorkers’ trust and confidence in the justice system

Our experiment for the New York City Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice examined perceptions of procedural justice with both NYC community members and its criminal justice workers.

Few studies had previously attempted to measure procedural justice on a community level, and had tended to focus on one criminal justice agency at a time. The Justice Collaboratory’s study fulfilled the goal of putting into practice “principles of fairness and procedural justice” by looking into New Yorker’s engagement with the city government.


  • Rachel Johnston, Former Director of Research

  • Camila Gripp, Research Manager

  • Thomas O’Brien, Postdoctoral Fellow

  • Caroline Nobo, Executive Director

  • Alexandra Cox Postdoctoral Fellow and Lecturer at the University of Essex


Principles of Procedurally Just Policing


Report Of The Facebook Data Transparency Advisory Group