Elevating Trust and Legitimacy for Prosecutors Project 2.0


Yale Law School’s Justice Collaboratory, in partnership with the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys and LaGratta Consulting, has launched the Elevating Trust and Legitimacy for Prosecutors Project. Now in its second phase, the project is working with the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, Marion County Prosecutor’s Office, and Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office. Together, they are engaging in a year-long collaborative process focused on the assessment, planning, and implementation of procedural justice practices, particularly in addressing gun violence. 

These practices may include developing protocols or guides for victim and witness interviews, gathering feedback from staff and prosecutors, and enhancing transparency around key decision points, such as diversion eligibility and trauma support services. The ultimate goal is to increase public trust and legitimacy for prosecutors at the local level while creating a replicable national model for other prosecutorial offices. 


This project employs an exploratory and collaborative approach, developing an intervention model informed by interviews and focus groups with staff, participants, and victims. Impact measures will include surveys to assess change in perceptions of trust and legitimacy. Additional impact measures will be identified during the planning process. 


The project is funded by the Joyce Foundation. 


Emily LaGratta

Principal, LaGratta Consulting

Caroline Nobo

Executive Director of the Justice Collaboratory

Tom R. Tyler

Founding Director, The Justice Collaboratory

Courtney Durdle

Associate Research Scholar

Jessica Pardim Araujo

Post-Baccalaureate Research Fellow

David LaBahn

President, APA

Marlene Biener

Senior Deputy General Counsel, APA

Joy Rapella

APA Fellow

Rob Underhill

APA Fellow


Two Case Studies on Platform Design