The Justice Collaboratory 2022 Theme: Community Vitality

The Justice Collaboratory dedicates its 2022 focus to community vitality – promoting the individual and collective well being that encompasses economic strength, social cohesion, and public safety. We consider these elements to be the foundation of a more just society; in the simplest terms, strong communities are safe communities.

This work starts with looking to community members to define their own visions for vitality. These powerful insights combined with social science research can help ensure we are developing systems, practices, and policies that strengthen communities and reduce the need for legal intervention.

Rather than reforming what isn’t working, we are committed to reframing an approach to justice that strengthens what does work, including increased access to quality education, healthcare, housing, and jobs, and improved legitimacy of law enforcement.   

We will do this by:

·       Amplifying scientifically proven justice theory

·       Translating evidence-based theory into practical recommendations for policy and practice

·       Assembling and nurturing a community of diverse leaders in America

We are a collaborative of more than twenty distinguished scholars, across multiple disciplines and institutions. We are lawyers, medical doctors, psychologists, neuroscientists, sociologists, political scientists, and historians. Our scholarship and social action are grounded in theory and rigorous research. The breadth of our current work encompasses issues facing communities nationwide: including gun violence, mental health, access to health care, homelessness, youth incarceration, social media governance, and building trust and legitimacy for America’s criminal legal system.

We recognize community vitality as the common thread though all our efforts; and believe in the power of collaboration toward a future where people and communities feel and experience equity, respect, and trust in justice system interactions.

We look forward to sharing our progress with you throughout the year.


Welcome New Justice Collaboratory Members


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